I studied mathematics in Saarbrücken (Germany) and Copenhagen (Denmark) before moving to Leuven (Belgium) for my doctoral studies in pure mathematics. After a short stint in industry, I started a postdoc at the Hausdorff Centre for Mathematics Bonn in 2019.
During the Covid-19 pandemic I got my hands on several books on the philosophy of Causality and causal modelling in the Sciences, among which Judea Pearl’s ‘The Book of Why?’. To my amazement I learned that Causal Inference is a growing research field spanning across different scientific fields and I decided that I would like to be part of it! Luckily, Jakob Runge offered me a position in his group at TU Berlin which I joined in the beginning of 2022. In 2025, I joined the German Research Centre for AI a.k.a. DFKI to build my own research group on causal inference.
When I am not working, my too many hobbies include theatre acting, playing guitar in a band in which every member is able to define a structural causal model, chess and basketball.