Hey there!
My name is Jonas Wahl and I am a mathematician heading the research group Causal Models and Representations (CaMoRe) at the German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI). The group is part of the research department neuro-mechanistic modelling (NMM). I am also a member of Algoright e.V..
My research group focuses on building, evaluating and improving causal models for scientific and industrial applications, using both data and expert knowledge. If you are interested in working with me on causal, Bayesian or other types of structure inference, please send a mail to mail@jonaswahl.com to get in touch.
Before joining DFKI, I was a member of Jakob Runge’s research group climate informatics at TU Berlin and DLR Jena.

Here you can learn more about my research activities and publications.

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Useful links
Links to the websites of colleagues and friends or simply to stuff that I like.